Kaden had his K-4 Christmas Program last night (this is a pic of Kaden and his BFF Matt). It was very interesting to say the least. Like Mrs. Shirley (the director) said at the end of the night, "You never know what to expect when you get a bunch of kids this age together, but you're sure to be entertained!"
Kaden learned his songs very well. I was surprised because I would ask him almost daily if he had learned his songs for the program, and he would start to sing and forget the words. So, I thought he would get up on stage and just freeze. But no, he did just the opposite. He sang VERY LOUD! As you can tell by the following picture.

I always enjoy these programs. It's fun to see what the teachers have been able to get these children to do. It's hard for me to get the two of my boys to do the same thing; I can't imagine getting the entire group of K-3, K-4, and K-5 children to do the same thing. Oh, and the kids with speaking parts amaze me. There was one little boy in K-3 that had a speaking part and he did awesome. He was so loud and not shy a bit. But his little face turned so red before he was done. I don't think he took a breath until he was completely finished with his part.
Rylan got bored, to say the least, but I just reminded him how many of these programs that I have sat through for him. So, he sat there, reading the church song book, patiently waiting to go eat! You know, at this age, little boys are always starving. So, afterwards me and the boys and granny all went to Bojangle's. Robert was at the program, but he had a basketball game afterwards so he couldn't join us for supper. But, we enjoyed our time with granny.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
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