Kaden, my 4 year old son, is sometimes wise beyond his years. Tonight, as I was putting him to bed, he told me "Mom, do you know that you have love in your heart, and if you show us the love in your heart, then we can grow up and show that love to our kids". Of course, this is what I hope to do. That is what truly loving parents try to do each and every day. Just to be able to show our children how much we love them and hope that they'll pass it on to their children. But how does a 4 year old understand this?
A few months ago I was crying and he asked me what was wrong. I told him that I was missing my mama really bad. He said, "Mom, do you know that God is a good person. If you want to talk to your mommy all you have to do is ask him and he will let you". A smile came acrossed my face and I couldn't help but have joy in my heart. Was it because I realized that I have the most awesome boys in the world, or because I realized that my 4 year old is truly a believer and that he is not afraid to share his love for God?
Now, he is not always serious in his comments. Just tonight I saw him "mosey" into his playroom with a toy gun in his hand, call out his brother's name and exclaim "Boy, you've got a man's butt to kick right here!" I'm assuming that was some sort of threat, but it didn't go anywhere, mainly because I burst into laughter. And by the way, I had to use the term mosey because his new favorite show is Walker: Texas Ranger, and as he approached his brother he looked just like Walker, like he had just gotten off of a horse.
Being a mom is the most awesome experience I've had in my life thus far. I plan on blogging about things they say and things they do, partly to bring a little fun, laughter, and perhaps insight to my friends, and also so that I won't forget all of these wonderful things that they do and say . I hope you enjoy reading this! Stay tuned for more.....
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