4 months ago
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
How old AM I?
I know I'm getting older, for those of you who don't know, I just turned 34. But, to my children, how old AM I? VERY OLD!!! I remember thinking that people my age were old too. Last night, when I picked the kids up from school, Rylan said to me that when he gets his Nintendo DS for Christmas he and his buddy, Troy, can battle. So I proceeded to tell him that if he doesn't start taking care of his other toys, he won't be getting a DS. Kaden says, "Mom, when you were little, did you have a DS?" I said, "No, I didn't". Of course he asked why to which I replied, "Because we were broke". Then Rylan chimes in and says, "Mom, were there Indians when you were little?" COME ON!! I mean, there are Indians now, but to him those are ancient people that lived in the woods or in caves! How old AM I?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Getting Ready for the Christmas program....
Kaden's K-4 group is getting ready for their Christmas program, which made me think about last year's Christmas program, his K-3 Christmas program. Kaden learned his lines very well which were:
Here is a star with bright, bright lights that shown in the sky that first Christmas night.
And the Angel said, "Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy!" So here goes:
Here is a star with bright, bright lights that shown in the sky that first Christmas night.
And the Angel said, "Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy!" So here goes:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Speaking Korean
Everyone probably already knows that Robert's mom is Korean. She lived 28 years in Korea and came to the United States alone. She met my father in law, got married, and the rest is history. She is a very interesting person to talk to because she's been through a lot in her 60-something years. I have told her numerous times that I want her to teach my children to speak Korean. The kids haven't picked up on any of her language, however Rylan would like everyone to believe that he has! He has started saying words that are not really words and acting like he's speaking Korean. In fact, yesterday at church he told someone that he could speak "Korea". They tried to explain to him that it was Korean, but he would not agree with them. I am just so glad that he is proud of her and their heritage. The boys are 1/4 Korean and I hope that they will learn about Korea and where their granny lived almost half of her life.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Wait! What?!
I can't believe that it's almost Christmas time. I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I can't help but already feel stressed! All day I have been thinking about what I am going to get for everyone on my Christmas list. That is not what Christmas is about, and I think it takes a lot of the joy out of Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I believe that the children should get to open their gifts from Santa (another word meaning overworked, stressed out parents!) and from parents/grandparents/friends. But when it comes to grown-ups, come on y'all, why can't we just get together, eat too much, and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Why do I have to stress about what gift I'm going to get someone who has everything they could possibly want and enough money to buy it if they don't already have it? It's so commercialized. It's obvious that I'm not the only person that feels this way or the stores wouldn't be stocking their shelves with "gift sets" full of nonsense items that are just going to end up being yard sale material or clutter for a junk drawer. What if we saved the money we would spend on Christmas, didn't go into debt, and enjoyed just spending time with each other. Now, there's a thought!
Monday, November 10, 2008
God is in Control
Well, I don't think I've acted very Christian-like since Obama's election. I have to say that I have been very afraid of what might happen to our country with him in control, then I realized, he's not in control, God is in control. So, I intend to accept what I cannot change. I also intent to pray for Obama, that he will lead this country in a direction that will glorify God.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Lookie There

Kaden's new "saying" is "Lookie there". He is truly a very interesting kid to talk to. He views everything in a very unique way.
Here are a couple of his "Lookie there" comments:
Yesterday, while I was getting ready to take him to the fair, he asked me why I didn't wear my hair in piggy tails. I explained to him that piggy tails are mainly for little girls, to which he replied, "And you don't want someone to say 'Lookie there, that kid has a silly mommy!'"
Then he asked why I didn't use my husband's hair gel. I told him that it was for boys, to which he replied, "Ya, you don't want someone to say 'Lookie there, that's a grown woman trying to look like a man!'"
On the way home from the fair, I made him mad by making a comment about Bear. I apologized and told him I was joking, he said "Do you want someone to say 'Lookie there, she's just a joker, joker, joker? Is that what you want?'"
He is soooo funny! The way he views things is so simple. At the fair we were watching the demolition derby. When the cars came out, of course they didn't have windshields and he said, "Mom, them cars are already broken!" Then they started to explain about safety and how the drivers had to wear helmets and seat belts. He said "They're just joking us, this isn't safe!"
So, if you ever need a new view on something, or just want someone to make you laugh, come talk to Kaden.
Here are a couple of his "Lookie there" comments:
Yesterday, while I was getting ready to take him to the fair, he asked me why I didn't wear my hair in piggy tails. I explained to him that piggy tails are mainly for little girls, to which he replied, "And you don't want someone to say 'Lookie there, that kid has a silly mommy!'"
Then he asked why I didn't use my husband's hair gel. I told him that it was for boys, to which he replied, "Ya, you don't want someone to say 'Lookie there, that's a grown woman trying to look like a man!'"
On the way home from the fair, I made him mad by making a comment about Bear. I apologized and told him I was joking, he said "Do you want someone to say 'Lookie there, she's just a joker, joker, joker? Is that what you want?'"
He is soooo funny! The way he views things is so simple. At the fair we were watching the demolition derby. When the cars came out, of course they didn't have windshields and he said, "Mom, them cars are already broken!" Then they started to explain about safety and how the drivers had to wear helmets and seat belts. He said "They're just joking us, this isn't safe!"
So, if you ever need a new view on something, or just want someone to make you laugh, come talk to Kaden.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

As most of you know, I am a McCain/Palin supporter. But no matter who you are voting for, it is your RIGHT to vote. And you should not only feel that it is your right, but it is your DUTY. If you do not vote, then do not complain! If you do not cast your vote to put the person in office that represents your beliefs, don't complain when you don't like what's going on! Now get up, get out, and vote!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Trick or Treat
Sorry I'm just now blogging about Halloween. I've had some camera trouble. Regardless, halloween was fun this year. Kaden was a Pirate and Rylan was a Cowboy.

Of course they had to battle to see which one was tougher!

But nobody's tougher than dad!

We decided to meet up with our friends Jeremiah and Nicole and let the kids trick-or-treat with their children - Aidan and Nadia. Nadia was Snow White, and I failed to get any pictures of her, but she was precious. Aidan was a knight. He was a pretty cool looking knight too, but for some reason, Kaden thought he was a chicken. So, all night I heard them arguing as they were walking door to door. Kaden kept saying, "You're a chicken! You're supposed to say Bock Bock when you ask for candy!" and of course Aidan would reply, "I'm not a chicken, I'm a knight!" haha Here they are. What do you think?

Rylan was hilarious that night because he thought he was the roughest, toughest cowboy in the west, or at least that's what he kept saying. Any monster that dared to look at him, he shot with his fake pistol.

Here is a picture of him telling a monster, which was some sort of dead person crawling on it's stomach, "Hey! You wanna tussle? I'll tussle with you if you wanna tussle!" Don't ask me what that means. I'm sure it's something from Walker Texas Ranger.

I did manage to get a picture of all of the boys together.

And this is what you get when you tell them to "lean in" for a picture.

Oh, and we can't forget the picture with Mommy!

Of course they had to battle to see which one was tougher!

But nobody's tougher than dad!

We decided to meet up with our friends Jeremiah and Nicole and let the kids trick-or-treat with their children - Aidan and Nadia. Nadia was Snow White, and I failed to get any pictures of her, but she was precious. Aidan was a knight. He was a pretty cool looking knight too, but for some reason, Kaden thought he was a chicken. So, all night I heard them arguing as they were walking door to door. Kaden kept saying, "You're a chicken! You're supposed to say Bock Bock when you ask for candy!" and of course Aidan would reply, "I'm not a chicken, I'm a knight!" haha Here they are. What do you think?

Rylan was hilarious that night because he thought he was the roughest, toughest cowboy in the west, or at least that's what he kept saying. Any monster that dared to look at him, he shot with his fake pistol.

Here is a picture of him telling a monster, which was some sort of dead person crawling on it's stomach, "Hey! You wanna tussle? I'll tussle with you if you wanna tussle!" Don't ask me what that means. I'm sure it's something from Walker Texas Ranger.

I did manage to get a picture of all of the boys together.

And this is what you get when you tell them to "lean in" for a picture.

Oh, and we can't forget the picture with Mommy!

Be Good To Her....

Today I was outside helping Robert with the yard work. He has bad allergies and usually only runs the weed-eater and the edger, I do the rest. Now, to be fair, I will say that I love to do yard work, especially riding the lawn mower. But I hate to use the weed-eater. My arms shake for the rest of the day and I can't even hold a drink. Anyway, this particular day, he decided that he would ride the lawn mower. So, I'm out at the street blowing the trash off of the curb when a neighbor we've never met, who is going for a walk, stops and says "Are you a nurse?" I said "No sir." He said "But you are a worker?" To that I responded "Yes sir." And he looked at Robert and said "And he's a rider!"
I got the biggest laugh out of that. I don't know if this was the only day that he had seen me working, or if he had noticed me throughout the summer, drowning in sweat to get those flower beds just the way I wanted them. Either way, he really made my day.
A few minutes later, as he walked back up the road towards his home he saw that Robert had gotten off of the lawn mower. He walked over to him and said "After this, I'll get out of your life, but I just wanted to tell you, she's a keeper. You better be good to her. She's one of a kind!" and with that he walked away. It's amazing how a simple compliment from a total stranger can make your day brighter!
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