This morning on the way to school, Kaden told me that he "wants to be a flagger". Of course I didn't know at first what this meant, until he explained that it's the person that waves the flags at races. Isn't it funny how kids decide what they want to be when they grow up without much thought as to how much money they're going to make. It just looks like fun so they want to do it. Of course, all little boys want to be firefighters at some point. Mine wanted to be construction workers because my dad was always fixing things around our house, like our roof and our gutters. They thought that looked like fun, I'm assuming because they would get to climb on top of the house. Rylan said he wants to be a milk man. His reasoning was because they get to carry stuff and they get to visit schools all day. What if we all did the job that was fun to us? Isn't that what life's about, enjoying yourself? Why can't we all make money doing the things we like to do? I mean, if they paid people to watch tv, I'd be a millionaire!!!